Is Naan Healthy? (2024)

Fresh and hot from the oven, naan may be a great comfort food for a cold night.

Given its long history and simple preparation, naan remains a staple in many cuisines. You can find it in restaurants or make it at home, serving it in a variety of sophisticated ways.

Naan has found more popularity around the world, so you may even be able to buy naan at your local grocery store or bakery.

Still, you may wonder if this fluffy and beloved bread is healthy, especially if you’re looking to maintain your weight.

This article examines the nutrients, health benefits, and varieties of naan, as well as how it stacks up against pita and other breads.

In English, many refer to naan as “naan bread.” However, that’s a redundant term, as naan is derived from the Persian word “non,” meaning bread.

According to one scholar, naan emerged from the ancient Persian practice of baking flatbread on hot pebbles (1).

You’ll find the process for making a simple naan looks similar to making other types of bread. Combine your ingredients of flour, water, salt and fat, flatten it with your hands, and place it in the oven to bake (1).

If you’re looking for a fancier batch of naan, you can use fire plates or clay ovens over your traditional oven.

Simply, naan’s a versatile, beloved, and ancient bread recipe that you can make at home.


Naan is a type of flatbread that was originally cooked on pebbles. Naan is derived from the Persian word for bread, and you can use flour to bake it at home.

There are a variety of naans, which differ depending on your region and ingredients. Some are more popular than others, but there’s a good chance you’ll encounter one of the following types in your local store:

  • Naan-e roghani. This is a thicker, softer Afghan naan prepared with more oil than the regular variety. It’s sprinkled with sesame seeds and nigella seeds.
  • Butter garlic naan. A classic Indian variety, this is one of the most popular versions of naan. This naan is brushed with melted butter and garlic.
  • Peshwari naan. This Pakistani variety contains dried sultanas, raisins, coconut, and almonds.
  • Naan-e barbari. This classic Persian naan has a crusted top and delicate interior. The naan is topped with sesame seeds.
  • Aloo naan. This is an Indian naan stuffed with boiled mashed potatoes.
  • Whole wheat naan. Whole wheat naan relies on whole wheat flour to boost fiber content.

There are many varieties of naan, depending on the region it’s from and dough being used. Some types include butter garlic naan, naan e-roghini, Peshawari naan, and naan e-barbari.

Naan boasts many of the same nutritional benefits as other fresh breads — including carbs, iron, and vitamin B.

Here’s the nutrition information for 1 piece of commercially prepared, plain naan (90 grams) (2):

  • Calories: 262
  • Fat: 5 grams
  • Carbs: 45 grams
  • Protein: 9 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Sugar: 3 grams
  • Sodium: 18% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Iron: 16% of the DV
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1): 58% of the DV
  • Niacin (vitamin B3): 33% of the DV

While naan is relatively low in fiber, it offers a fair amount of protein. Your body needs this nutrient to maintain healthy functioning of your organs (5).

Moreover, naan provides some essential vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins B1 and B3. It’s even a decent source of iron (2, 8).


Like other breads, naan is particularly high in B vitamins, carbs, and iron. It also offers protein and iron.


Naan has a few red flags for some people who may need to limit or avoid certain nutrients.

Saturated fat constitutes about a quarter of the total amount of fat in naan. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that saturated fat calories account for less than 10% of your total daily calorie intake (6).

As such, you should avoid filling up on naan if you’re watching your saturated fat intake.

Moreover, store-bought plain naan has a relatively high sodium content, accounting for around 18% of the DV. Eating too much sodium may increase blood pressure and your risk for heart disease and stroke (7).


Store-bought naan may be high in sodium and saturated fat, two nutrients that some people need to watch their intake of.

If you’re looking to eat more naan, but you have health concerns, consider how it stacks up against other breads and pita, another popular flatbread dish.

First, 1 white naan (90 grams) has approximately 70% more carbs, protein, and fiber than 2 slices of white bread (54 grams). Both have comparable amounts of sugar (2, 9).

With naan, you get more carbs, but also much more protein and fiber, both essential in keeping you feeling full while maintaining a healthy weight.

On the other hand, naan contains about 80% more carbs and roughly 200% more protein than a 45-gram serving of pita. Naan boasts twice the fiber of pita, yet 60% more sugar (2, 10).

It’s worth noting that naan is twice the weight of pita and 1.5 times the weight of two slices of bread.

Simply put, naan is more nutrient-dense than pita or white bread. While it may contain more carbs and sugars, it earns its reputation as a healthy alternative with its relatively generous amounts of protein and fiber.


Despite its high carb content, naan can be considered a more nutrient-dense alternative to white bread and pita.

Like most breads, naan is a high carb food without much fiber. Starchy naan serves as fast-release energy for your body.

Consider these important health benefits associated with naan.

High fiber alternatives

Consuming carbs supports your blood sugar and insulin levels, as well as your cholesterol and triglyceride — a type of fat found in the blood — metabolism (11).

While plain white naan, made from refined flour, contains little fiber, that doesn’t mean other types of naan can’t be a good source of fiber.

Whole wheat flour, in combination with other whole grain alternatives, such as chickpea flour, can boost the fiber content of your plain naan

In addition, dietary fiber intake has been linked to improved heart and colon health. A high fiber diet is correlated with a reduced risk of heart disease (12).

Good source of vitamins

Naan is high in niacin and thiamin, which offer health advantages.

Niacin is a B vitamin that your body requires for cellular energy production and other functions, including genetic stability, metabolism, and aging (13).

A lack of B3 may be linked to neurological problems, dementia, and even psychiatric conditions (14).

Like niacin, thiamin is a water-soluble vitamin. This means your body does not store it in reserves and you must replenish your niacin levels through your diet or supplements.

People deficient in thiamin may experience problems with their nervous system, heart, and gut health. Weight loss, anorexia, confusion, memory loss, malaise, muscle weakness, and heart problems may be symptoms of thiamin deficiency (15).

Finally, naan proves to be a decent source of iron — an essential mineral that helps your body make red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout your body.

Iron is an important part of many proteins and enzymes in your body. It also helps your muscles store and use oxygen.

Consider adding naan and other vitamin-B-rich foods if you want to maximize your neurological and circulatory health.

May help manage blood sugar and diabetes

Naan can still be included as part of a balanced diet if you want to manage your blood sugar. The glycemic index (GI) for naan is estimated to be 71. The GI index measures how quickly carb-containing foods elevate your blood sugar levels. At 55, they are labelled low GI (3).

As such, you may include naan in a low GI diet, but you will want to combine naan with higher-protein and lower-GI foods. Low GI diets have been found to help decrease blood sugar levels and insulin demands in people with pre-diabetes and diabetes (4).

Naan by itself may cause your blood sugar to go up, but eating naan as part of a balanced plate and pairing it with protein, vegetables, and fat can help blunt the effects naan may have on your blood sugar.


Naan is a high carb food that may help promote healthy blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. You can also use whole wheat flour to increase naan’s fiber content.

You can include naan as a part of a balanced diet when you eat it in moderation. Opt for whole wheat naan if you’re looking to maximize your health benefits, and try to serve it alongside other nutritious foods.

Of course, consider the full scope of your diet. Naan, while nutritious, cannot be a cure-all for a diet that’s high in processed sugars and fats and low in nutrients.

You can use naan as a vehicle for nutritious foods, like vegetables and legumes. Pair whole wheat naan with beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas as many dishes do in Indian cuisine.

If naan fits into your overall health goals and lifestyle, enjoy it!

Just one thing

Try this today: For a fun spin on classic naan, try topping it with hummus, leafy greens, and nuts or seeds. Naan also makes an excellent wrap for vegetables, beans, and eggs.

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Is Naan Healthy? (2024)


Is Naan Healthy? ›

While it may contain more carbs and sugars, it earns its reputation as a healthy alternative with its relatively generous amounts of protein and fiber. Despite its high carb content, naan can be considered a more nutrient-dense alternative to white bread and pita.

Is naan bread healthier than bread? ›

Which is healthier: bread or naan? Naan is a flatbread, whereas bread comes in loaves. Naan is higher in fat, protein, and carbohydrates than loaf bread. The higher protein content of naan will allow you to feel fuller for longer and curve cravings.

What is healthier, rice or naan? ›

Rice is far healthier than naan. Brown and wild rice are the healthiest types of rice. Problems with naan: naan is calorically dense due to the refined flour.

Which is the healthiest Indian bread? ›

From health perspective, flat breads made of whole wheat flour (roti/paratha/chapati/phulka) are better than the ones made with all-purpose flour (naan & kulcha). If you're new to this kind of food, I insist you to try all varieties of Indian breads.

Is naan or roti healthier? ›

Roti is generally considered healthier than naan. Roti is lower in calories and contains zero saturated and trans fats and cholesterol. In contrast, naan tends to be higher in calories and may contain added fats. For a healthier choice, roti is often preferred, especially by those conscious of their dietary intake.

Is naan a junk food? ›

The bottom line

Naan, while nutritious, cannot be a cure-all for a diet that's high in processed sugars and fats and low in nutrients. You can use naan as a vehicle for nutritious foods, like vegetables and legumes. Pair whole wheat naan with beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas as many dishes do in Indian cuisine.

What is healthiest bread to eat? ›

Here are our top 7 choices for wholesome, nutrient-dense breads.
  1. Sprouted whole grain. Sprouted bread is made from whole grains that have started to sprout from exposure to heat and moisture. ...
  2. Sourdough. ...
  3. 100% whole wheat. ...
  4. Oat bread. ...
  5. Flax bread. ...
  6. 100% sprouted rye bread. ...
  7. Healthy gluten-free bread.

What is the healthiest Indian food to order? ›

Vegetarian options are often lower in calories and saturated fats while providing ample protein and fiber. Consider trying dishes like Palak Paneer (spinach and cottage cheese), Baingan Bharta (roasted eggplant), or Daal (lentil curry) for a satisfying and healthful dining experience.

Why is naan so good? ›

Naan bread also has a buttery flavor due to the ghee and buttermilk in the dough, which adds an extra dimension of flavor compared to pita bread's more neutral taste. Naan can be used in place of pita bread for many dishes, adding a unique twist to traditional recipes.

What is a healthy alternative to naan? ›

What most people don't realize is, most Indians don't eat naan everyday. It's a treat reserved for special occasions. A healthier alternative that is eaten daily in most indian households, is roti (also called chapati or fulka). It's an unleavened flatbread made of just two ingredients - whole wheat flour and water.

What to eat with naan bread? ›

One of the most popular Indian delicacies that we know of; curries are creamy with the right amount of spicy, curries pair perfectly with warm, fluffy naan. Naan bread also serves as the perfect companion to soups and stews, absorbing their rich flavors and adding a delightful textural contrast.

What is the healthiest alternative to bread? ›

Here are some options to try:
  • Corn, reduced-carb or whole-grain tortillas.
  • Cheese wraps or cheese slices.
  • Coconut wraps.
  • Cauliflower bread.
  • Cucumber slices.
  • Sweet potato slices.
  • Bell pepper slices.
  • Portobello mushrooms.
Jun 29, 2022

What country has the healthiest bread? ›

A few German breads that fit the highly nutritious and satiating profile but do not skimp on flavor include Vollkornbrot and Pumpernickel. Vollkornbrot is made from whole grains, such as rye, spelt, or barley, and seeds, such as sunflower, flax, or pumpkin.

Are naan breads unhealthy? ›

Is Naan Bread Healthy? Naan bread can be part of a healthy diet, especially if you choose whole grain varieties. Naan bread contains vitamins and minerals like niacin, fiber, and iron, as well as fiber.

What is healthier, naan or kulcha? ›

The difference between the two is that naan is made from whole wheat flour while kulcha is made from maida (refined white flour) and kulcha uses plain water to make the dough while naan uses a mix of milk and yogurt to make the dough.

Why is naan bread so high in calories? ›

FAQs. Q: Is naan bread high in calories? A: Yes, naan bread can be high in calories due to its ingredients like flour, ghee, and sometimes sugar. It's important to enjoy naan bread in moderation and be mindful of portion sizes.

Is naan bread full of carbs? ›

Naan Bread (1 piece) contains 45.4g total carbs, 43.4g net carbs, 5.1g fat, 8.7g protein, and 262 calories.

Is naan bread full of sugar? ›

A 106-gram piece contains 303 calories, 10.81 grams of protein, 7.10 grams total fat, 48.98 grams of carbohydrates, 5.10 grams of fiber, 3.60 grams of sugar and 495 milligrams of sodium. The sodium, sugar and calories in naan bread are greater than the amount in some other breads.

What is special about naan bread? ›

Naan is a single-layer bread with a light and slightly fluffy texture and golden-brown spots from the baking process. It is made primarily from white flour or wheat flour and a leavening agent (usually yeast), which results in the formation of air pockets in the dough that impart fluffiness and softness.

Is naan bread good for your stomach? ›

Naan bread made with whole wheat flour will be higher in fiber, which can aid in digestion and promote feelings of fullness. On the other hand, naan bread made with refined flour will be lower in fiber and may be more difficult to digest. It's also important to consider the ingredients used in the naan bread.


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